Wednesday, April 28, 2010

AnjLab.FX Scheduler for ASP.NET

If you need simple yet easy configurable scheduler in your ASP.NET application, AnjLab.FX Scheduler might be your choise.

To use AnjLab.FX Scheduler you need to do 3 simple steps:

  1. Get the latest version of AnjLab.FX from github, make a build and add AnjLab.FX.dll as a reference to your project;

  2. Implement AnjLab.FX.Sys.ICommand interface on your task workers, like this:

    public class HelloWorldTask : ICommand
    private static readonly log4net.ILog Log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(HelloWorldTask));

    public void Execute()
    Log.Info("Hello World!");

  3. Configure tasks schedule in web.config. To do this you need to:

    1. add the following line to web.config/configuration/configSections:

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <section name="triggers" type="AnjLab.FX.Tasks.Scheduling.SchedulerConfigSection, AnjLab.FX"/>

    2. define triggers section:

      <daily tag='restoreDB' timeOfDay='23:00'/>
      <weekly tag='backupDB' timeOfDay='01:30' weekDays='monday,friday'/>
      <hourly tag='delTempFiles' minutes='30'/>
      <interval tag='dumpLog' interval='00:05:00'/>
      <once tag='upgradeDB' dateTime='01/15/2007 23:00'/>
      <monthly tag='archiveDB' monthDay='29' timeOfDay='23:00'/>
      <interval tag='helloworld-task' interval='00:00:10'/>

      Here we defined named trigger "helloworld-task" to be triggered every 10 seconds.

  4. Map trigger names to your task workers and start up the scheduler.

    To map your task workers you create instance of KeyedFactory and register your tasks. We propose you do this in Global.asax Application_Start method:

    protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // Map trigger names to task workers

    var factory = new KeyedFactory<string, ICommand>();

    // Start up scheduler

    var scheduler = new Scheduler<ICommand>(factory);

    var triggers = (List<ITrigger>)ConfigurationManager.GetSection("triggers");



Thats it!


By the way, you can also use this API to schedule your tasks in Windows.Forms applications as well.

AnjLab.FX is a framework we built during development of our projects. Its continue evolving and you can use it in your applications without any restrictions.


  1. Привет. Пытаясь найти исходные коды KeyedFactory, наткнулся на твой блог. У тебя они случайно не завалялись? ^_^
    Статья в Rsdn опубликована с опечатками, а также не полностью охватывает код, который автор описывает на словах. Я не большой знаток проектирования, поэтому прошу помощи.

  2. Они есть здесь:

  3. Спасибо огромное!
    Честно признаться, не ожидал такого быстрого ответа. Отличная библиотека. Пожалуй, из нее можно почерпнуть не только шаблон фабрики.

    Еще раз спасибо.
