Реализация алгоритма поиска медианы в большом одномерном массиве чисел.
Это измененный вариант известного алгоритма Торбена.
Привожу этот алгоритм здесь, чтобы на него можно было сослаться.
Сам алгоритм приводится без пояснений, пояснения и характеристики производительности позже выложу здесь же в виде статьи.
package anjlab.cubics.aggregate.median;
import java.util.Arrays;
/** * Histogram-based implementation of median search algorithm. * * Based on N. Devillard's implementation of Torben Mogensen's algorithm * ({@linkplain http://ndevilla.free.fr/median/median.pdf}). * * @author Dmitry Gusev */ public class HistogramBasedMedianFinder {
private final int K; // number of ranges to create in histogram private final double epsilon; public HistogramBasedMedianFinder() { this(15, 0.000000001d); } public HistogramBasedMedianFinder(int k, double epsilon) { this.K = k; this.epsilon = epsilon; } public double search(double[] m) { int n = m.length;
int correction = n % 2 == 0 ? 1 : 0;
double min, max;
min = max = m[0]; for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) { if (m[i] < min) min = m[i]; if (m[i] > max) max = m[i]; }
long leftOutRange = 0; long rightOutRange = 0;
Histogram histogram = new Histogram(); while (true) { histogram.init(min, max); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { histogram.add(m[i]); }
long countInRanges = histogram.totalCount - histogram.others;
if (countInRanges == 1) { return histogram.recentlyAdded; }
long incCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < histogram.rangeCount; i++) { long rangeCount = histogram.counts[i]; incCount += rangeCount; long rightOutCurrentRange = (countInRanges + rightOutRange) - incCount; if (incCount + leftOutRange >= rightOutCurrentRange - correction) { // Median is in this range. Repeat search in this range min = i == 0 ? histogram.start : histogram.ranges[i - 1]; max = histogram.ranges[i]; if (almostSame(min, max)) { return min; } leftOutRange += (incCount - rangeCount); rightOutRange = rightOutCurrentRange; break; } } } } public boolean almostSame(double a, double b) { return Math.abs(a - b) < epsilon; } private class Histogram { public double start; public double end; private double step; public double[] ranges = new double[K + 1]; public long[] counts = new long[K + 1]; public double recentlyAdded; public long totalCount; public long others; public int rangeCount; public void init(double start, double end) { this.start = start; this.end = end; Arrays.fill(counts, 0); others = 0; totalCount = 0; if (end < start || almostSame(start, end)) { rangeCount = 0; } else { this.step = (end - start) / K; int idx = 0; for (double i = start; i < end; i += step) { double right = i + step; if (right > end) { right = end; } ranges[idx++] = right; } rangeCount = idx; }
} public void add(double value) { totalCount++;
if (value < start || value > end) { others++; return; }
recentlyAdded = value;
// binary search int low = 0; int high = rangeCount - 1;
while (low <= high) { int mid = (high + low) >>> 1; if (value <= ranges[mid]) { if (mid > 0 && value < ranges[mid - 1]) { high = mid - 1; // continue search } else { counts[mid]++; // we've found the range return; } } else if (value > ranges[mid]) { low = mid + 1; } } } } }
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