Thursday, February 19, 2009



Implement C# function int addone(int n) which will return n+1. You can NOT use any of the following arithmetical operations in the fuction body: + - * / ++ -- += -=.


using NUnit.Framework;

namespace Developer.Test.Net
public class TestModulus
public void TestAddOne()
for (int i = -1000; i < 1000; i++)
Assert.AreEqual(i + 1, AddOne(i));

int j = int.MaxValue;

Assert.AreEqual(j + 1, AddOne(j));

j = int.MinValue;

Assert.AreEqual(j + 1, AddOne(j));

public static int AddOne(int n)
int position = 1;

while (position != 0)
if ((n & position) == position) {
n = n ^ position;
} else {
n = n | position;


position = position << 1;

return n;

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